How many people make over $100k per year?
This article will show you all of the statistics about people making $100k, including:
Let’s dig in.
43.7M people make over $100k in America.
The percentage of people making over $100k a year is 33.6%.
This data is from the U.S. Census Bureau on the annual income in the U.S.
They surveyed the individual income for U.S. households.
There were 129.9M respondents to this BLS survey.
These “respondents” also were individuals that represented a household.
The percentage of individuals making over $100k a year is 33.6%.
43.7M individuals make over $100k in America.
19.8M individuals have a six figure income, making $100k-$150k.
47.3% of American households make over $100k per year.
The U.S. Census Bureau surveyed 129.9M households.
The only households that averaged more than $100k were “married couple” households.
The average household income for the “married couple” American household was $101,517.
This made up 61.5M households, which was 47.3% of American households over $100k.
The average age to make six figures is between 45-54 years old.
This is the highest income age range according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
34.4% of Americans make over $100k a year.
This chart shows how many people make over $100k a year for the past three years.
Making $100k a year puts a household with 4 members in the middle-class bracket.
33.6% of individuals made over $100k in 2020.
That means 113.9M individuals made over $100k in 2020.
33.8% of individuals made over $100k in 2021.
That means 110.7M individuals made over $100k in 2021.
34.4% of individuals made over $100k in 2022.
That means 114.3M individuals made over $100k in 2022.
Note that this data comes from IBIS World’s data on how many people make over $100k.
And we are comparing that to the US Population each year, too.
13.1M men make six figures in the U.S.
13% of men make 6 figures ($100k) or more per year.
13.1M men make 6 figures ($100k or more) in the U.S.
There are 100.9M adult (18+ year olds) males in the U.S.
18% of Black males make over $100k a year, according to Pew Research.
Ethnicity plays a factor on a man’s net worth.
The Black male demographic is 53% as likely to earn $100k compared to White males.
The $100k-a-year income bracket is increasingly harder to live on in the U.S.
The average income distribution for full-time employees is:
Men are higher income earners with an average wage that’s 20% higher than women.
So, looking at the income inequality, making $100k in yearly income puts:
The average cost of living in the U.S. is:
Let’s look at some average expenses:
Due to the pandemic, more people are able to work remotely.
This means that people can move out of very expensive cities like New York.
And move into lower cost of living areas to make $100k a year good for them.
$100k a year is a good salary for a single person with no kids.
The average living wage in the US is $39,846.
A single person making $100k a year is earning $36,154 more than their living expenses.
No, $100k is not a good salary for a family.
According to the national average living wage, if two adults have:
If a family earns $100k a year in gross income, they are in the 24% income tax bracket.
This means that their post-tax income is $76,000 at this income level.
(Note that we looked at Colorado’s living wage because it is the average cost of living index.)
No, $100k a year is not good for a family of 4.
A family of 4 will be breaking even on their living expenses with $100k a year.
The living wage (cost of living) for a family of 4 averages to $68,808 per year.
If a family of 4 earns $100k a year in gross income, they are in the 24% tax bracket.
This means that their post-tax income is $76,000.
This leaves a family of 4 with $7,200 per year in extra money.
($76,000 – $68,800 = $7,200)
Or just $600 per month.
This barely allows you to:
(Note that the median household income was $67,521 in 2020.
So, earning $100k a year puts your household 48% higher than the median household income.)
This sections answers more questions about how many people make over $100k a year.
$100k a year is $50 per hour.
There are 2,000 working hours in a year.
$100k / 2,000 hours is $50 per hour.
$100k a year is $8,333 per month.
There are 12 months in a year.
$100k / 12 months is $8,333 per month.
13.4M people make over $200k in America.
10.3% of the population makes over $200k.
If you don’t have any children, $100k is a good salary in California.
If you do have children, $100k is not a good salary in California.
According to the living wage for California, if a single adult has:
Adding in another adult earns more money, but increases expenses.
According to the living wage for California, if two adults have:
While this seems high, the cost of living in New York was 63% higher than California last year.
10.3% of the American households makes over $200k.
13.4M American households make over $200k.
Households with a bachelor’s degree have the highest median income at $106,939.
4.3% of American households make over $300k.
7.6M Americans make over $300k.