How Many Registered Guns In The US?

How Many Registered Guns In The US - How Many Registered Gun Owners In The US - How Many Guns Are Registered In The United States - Registered Gun Owners In America

How many registered guns are in the US? 

In this article, you’ll learn about: 

  • how many registered guns are in America
  • how many guns there are per person
  • how many guns the average American owns
  • how many households own a gun

Keep scrolling to learn more.

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How Many Registered Guns In The US?

There are 8.04 million registered guns in America.

The last time the number of registered guns was calculated was 2021. 

There were 8,047,482 registered guns in America. 

There are a total of 466 million guns in America as of last year. 

That means that 1.72% of guns are registered in America.

How Many Registered Gun Owners In The US?

There are 99.6 million registered gun owners in America.

Roughly 30% of Americans are registered to own a gun.

Read More: How Many Guns Per Person In America

How Many Guns Per Person In America?

There are 1.4 guns per person in America. 

We calculated this based on there being: 

How Many Guns Does The Average American Own?

The average American owns 4.38 guns

Only 32% of Americans say they own guns. 

Meaning that 106.2 million people own guns in America. 

This means that the average gun owner has 4.4 guns in America.

# of Guns Owned% of People
2 - 437%

How Many Guns Does The Average American Household Own?

The average American household owns 8.2 guns.

40% of American households have a gun. 

There are 141.58 million homes in the US.

That means that 56.6 million households have a gun in America. 

There are 466 million guns in America. 

So, the average household owns 8.2 guns in America. 

Read More: How Many Kids Die From Guns Each Year?

What State Has The Most Registered Guns?

Texas has the most registered guns with 1,006,555.


  • Pew Research. “Key facts about Americans and guns.”
  • Statista. “Number of registered weapons in the United States in 2021, by state.”

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