How To Get A Divorce In Georgia For Free

How To Get A Divorce In Georgia For Free - Printable Divorce Papers For Georgia - Do It Yourself Divorce In Georgia

In this article, you’ll learn how to get a divorce in Georgia for free. 

We’re covering topics like:

  • how to have your filing fees waived
  • how to find a lawyer doing volunteer work
  • how to find non-profits that help
  • how to know if you qualify for financial help

Let’s dig in.

Divorce can be devastating. It’s heartbreaking when parents lose custody of their children. Spouses end up having to pay agonizing amounts of financial support.

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How Much Does A Divorce In Georgia Cost

You know that getting a divorce in Georgia is expensive. 

But let’s talk about how much does a divorce in Georgia cost.

  •  filing fees – $250
  • cost to serve divorce papers – $150
  • the average cost of divorce – $17,300
  • the average cost of divorce in Georgia with children – $22,000
  • cost of uncontested divorce – $7,500

Remember, that these “costs of divorce” are per spouse. 

They are not split in half. 

So, it’s in everyone’s best interest to agree on the terms of the divorce. 

That way, you reduce the cost of divorce in Georgia as much as possible. 

How To Get A Divorce In Georgia For Free

This section is going to cover how to get a divorce in Georgia for free. 

Or, at least, at a significant discount to help you manage the cost of divorce. 

The most common ways to get a divorce for free are:

Do It Yourself Divorce In Georgia

You have the option to get a do-it-yourself divorce in Georgia. 

You obtain a copy of divorce papers and fill them out. 

Then you’ll file them at your local county clerk’s office

When you go the do-it-yourself divorce route, you need to have a non-contested divorce

Meaning that you and your spouse need to agree on all issues like:

When you and your spouse don’t agree on these issues, you have a contested divorce

This doesn’t mean the do-it-yourself divorce is not possible

It means that you need to negotiate with each other and resolve these issues

These issues need to get figured out by the time you file for divorce in Georgia

So, as long as you come to an agreement before you file, it’s still uncontested

Divorce Filing Fee Waiver

This is not how to get a divorce in Georgia for free.

A divorce filing fee waiver allows you to file for divorce in Georgia for free.

When you file for divorce, you have a pay a filing fee.

The divorce filing fee in Gwinnett County, for example, is $214.

But to qualify for a divorce filing fee waiver, you have to have no or low income. 

You qualify for “low income” if your household earns 125% or less than the poverty level. 

The poverty levels for the number of people in a household are:

  • one person – $12,880 
  • two persons – $17,420 
  • three persons – $21,960 
  • four persons – $26,500 

If you have a spouse and one child, your household has 3 persons in it. 

So, the poverty line for you is $21,960.

Remember, you need to earn 125%, or less, than the poverty line

So, if your household income is $27,450 or less then you would qualify. 

Let’s look at the 125% for each scenario so that you don’t have to do the math

You qualify for “low income” if your household earns 125% or less than the poverty level

The poverty levels for the number of people in a household are:

  • one person – $16,100 (125% of $12,880)
  • two persons – $21,775 (125% of $17,420)
  • three persons – $27,450 (125% of $21,960) 
  • four persons – $33,125 (125% of $26,500)

To get this divorce filing fee waiver, ask your county clerk for it

Bring your last year’s tax returns with you to prove your income. 

And remember, this only waives the filing fees for divorce. 

It does not cover other costs for divorce. 

Pro Bono Divorce Lawyers

This is a strategy for how to get a divorce in Georgia for free. 

Pro Bono divorce lawyers offer their services for free. 

Pro Bono divorce cases are their version of doing volunteer work in the community. 

They volunteer on cases that are simple or for lower-income families

There is an income requirement to qualify for a pro bono lawyer. 

Like with the divorce filing fee waiver, you need to earn 125% or less of the poverty line

You can find pro bono lawyers near me or you can search for Legal Aid.

Combing a pro bono lawyer with a filing fee waiver is how to get a divorce in Georgia for free. 

Legal Aids For Divorce

Legal aids are non-profit agencies providing legal aid for divorces. 

They provide services for people who need a divorce lawyer and have no money

Their main focus is only on

  • low-income families
  • domestic violence victims

Legal aids have the same qualifications and experience as normal divorce lawyers in Georgia

You aren’t getting a bad lawyer just because they work for a non-profit.

Just search for “Legal Aid Near Me.”

Divorce Mediation

This isn’t so much how to get a divorce in Georgia for free. 

But more of how to reduce the costs of divorce

Divorce mediation can turn contested issues into uncontested

This can save up to $15,000 per spouse. 

The trick here is to attend divorce mediation BEFORE you file for divorce

This way, you can file for an uncontested divorce. 

The divorce mediator won’t make decisions for you

But they will guide you through the negotiation process. 

After you resolve these issues, fill out a Georgia divorce settlement agreement

And file this with your petition for divorce.  

How To Get A Divorce In Georgia For Free

If you want the best divorce attorneys to represent you, fill out the form below.

We have the experience needed to ensure that your rights are protected.

This means that you don’t wrongfully lose custody of your children.

We also make sure that your divorce judgment is equitable and fair.

This means you don’t get raked over the coals financially.

After you fill out the form below, we will set up your free consultation.

Talk soon.

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