If My Ex-Husband Remarried Can I Get His Social Security?

If My Ex-Husband Remarried Can I Get His Social Security - Can I Collect My Ex-Husband's Social Security - How To Apply For Spousal Benefits

If your ex-husband gets remarried, can you get his social security? 

In this article, you’ll learn about: 

  • if you can collect your ex-husband’s social security when he remarries
  • if two wives can collect social security from one husband
  • how to apply for spousal Social Security benefits
  • how to find out if your ex-husband is receiving social security benefits
  • how much SS a divorced spouse gets

Keep scrolling to learn more.

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If My Ex-Husband Remarried Can I Get His Social Security?

Yes, if your husband remarries, you can still get his Social Security

If your ex-husband remarries, it doesn’t stop you from claiming Social Security benefits based on his record. 

You can claim your ex-husband’s Social Security if you meet all these criteria:

  • your marriage lasted at least 10 years
  • you are currently unmarried
  • you are 62 years old or older 

The benefits you might receive do not affect the benefits your ex-husband or his new spouse may obtain. 

You can receive up to 50% of your ex-husband’s full retirement benefit

Let’s say you qualify for benefits on your own record.

You’ll get whichever amount is higher, either:

  • your benefit 
  • 50% of your ex-husband’s benefit 

For a precise understanding of your eligibility, it’s best to contact the Social Security Administration directly.

Read More: When A Husband Dies Does The Wife Get His Social Security Disability?

Can Two Wives Collect Social Security From One Husband?

Yes, two wives can collect Social Security from one husband if:

  • Both wives were legally married to the husband.
  • Each marriage lasted at least 10 years.
  • Both wives are at least 62 years old.
  • Neither wife remarries before age 60.

In this scenario:

  • both wives can get a spousal benefit
  • the husband’s own benefit doesn’t decrease
  • the amount one wife receives doesn’t affect the other’s benefit

Read More: Can I Collect My Deceased Spouse’s Social Security And My Own At The Same Time?

How To Apply For Spousal Benefits

To apply for Social Security spousal benefits:

  • Visit the Social Security Administration’s website.
  • Choose the “Apply for Benefits” option.
  • Follow the online prompts for retirement or survivor benefits.
  • Complete the application form, providing information about both you and your spouse.
  • Submit any required documents, like marriage certificates or divorce decrees.
  • If you prefer, make an appointment at a local Social Security office to apply in person.
  • After submitting, monitor your application status online.

If My Ex Husband Dies Do I Get His Social Security?

Yes, if your ex-husband dies, you can receive his Social Security benefits as a survivor benefit if:

  • You were married to him for at least 10 years.
  • You are at least 60 years old (or 50 if you’re disabled).
  • You are not entitled to an equal or higher benefit on your own record.
  • You remain unmarried unless the subsequent marriage took place after you turned 60.

In this scenario, the survivor benefit is based on your ex-husband’s earnings.

And you can receive up to 100% of his Social Security benefit amount.

Which Wife Gets The Social Security?

If your ex-husband remarries, both you and his current wife can qualify for Social Security spousal benefits based on his record. 

Your ability to collect these benefits is not affected by his remarriage

Your benefits come from his work record, not from his current wife’s benefit amount. 

Your ex-husband’s own Social Security benefit amount remains unchanged.

Regardless of how many ex-wives collect spousal benefits based on his record.

How Do I Find Out My Ex-Husband's Social Security Benefits?

To find out your ex-husband’s Social Security benefits:

  • Visit the official Social Security Administration (SSA) website.
  • Create or log into your personal “My Social Security” account.
  • Once logged in, you can access information about potential spousal benefits.
  • The SSA does not provide specifics about your ex-husband’s benefit amount.
  • Instead, they will tell you the benefit amount you’re eligible to receive based on his record.
  • If needed, contact SSA directly by phone or visit a local office for assistance.

How Much Social Security Does A Divorced Spouse Get?

A divorced spouse can get up to 50% of the ex-spouse’s full retirement benefit. 

However, this doesn’t reduce the ex-spouse’s own benefit. 

The divorced spouse must:

  • have been married for at least 10 years 
  • be 62 years old or older 

If the divorced spouse has a retirement benefit based on their own work, they’ll get that amount first. 

If the spousal benefit is higher, Social Security will add the difference on top of their own benefit. 

The divorced spouse must also be unmarried to collect the ex-spouse’s benefit. 

If they remarry, they cannot collect benefits on their former spouse’s record unless the later marriage ends.

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