What Is 3rd-Degree Manslaughter? (Important Laws You Need To Know)

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What is 3rd-degree manslaughter?

In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • what third-degree manslaughter is
  • how 3rd-degree manslaughter compares to 3rd-degree murder
  • 3rd degree-murder sentences and jail time
  • what states have 3rd-degree manslaughter

Let’s dig in.

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What Is Manslaughter?

Manslaughter is causing injuries that lead to death.

You weren’t intentionally killing someone.

But your actions led to the death of another person.

First-degree manslaughter is causing premeditated injuries.

Second-degree manslaughter is causing injuries from acting recklessly.

Now, let’s look at 3rd-degree manslaughter.

Read More: Difference Between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Murders

3rd-Degree Manslaughter

In this section, you’ll learn about:

  • what is a third-degree manslaughter
  • examples of third-degree manslaughter

Read More: What Is Attempted Manslaughter?

What Is Third-Degree Manslaughter?

Third-degree manslaughter is unintentionally killing another person

Third-degree manslaughters are:

  • non-premeditated murders
  • unplanned and unintentional killing of another human being
  • not with malice aforethought

You can commit 3rd-degree manslaughter if you:

  • unintentionally cause someone else’s death
  • were committing a dangerous act that led to the death of a human being

These are accidental deaths that stem from severe bodily harm.

Read More: How Many Murders Go Unsolved?

Third-Degree Manslaughter Definition

Third-degree manslaughter is murder with the intent to harm, not kill.

3rd-degree manslaughters are unplanned, unintentional, and not premeditated.

Requirements For Third-Degree Manslaughter

There are two requirements for manslaughter to get classified as third-degree manslaughter.

These two requirements are:

  • intent to harm (not kill)
  • no premeditation

Intent to harm without the intent to kill lands you with third-degree manslaughter.

This means that you wanted to hurt someone but accidentally killed them.

This usually happens in the “heat of the moment,” like a fight.

No premeditation means that you were not planning on killing someone.

Examples Of 3rd Degree Manslaughter

There are three types of murders that get classified as third-degree murder.

These three types of murders are:

  • non-violent, felony murders
  • depraved indifference murder
  • drug consumption leads to death

A third-degree murder can be voluntary or involuntary.

An example of voluntary murder is falling and pushing someone off a ledge on accident.

An example of involuntary murder is punching someone and unintentionally killing them.

A non-violent felony murder is someone dying while committing a non-violent felony.

Let’s say that someone dies while you are committing:

  • burglary, robbery, home invasion, arson, carjacking
  • rape, sexual battery
  • kidnapping, child abuse, human trafficking

You don’t have to kill someone to get charged with felony murder.

Let’s say that you have an accomplice and that accomplice gets shot.

You will get charged with their murder.

This is because the murder occurred due to your premeditated actions.

depraved indifferent murder is causing death during a reckless or dangerous act.

drunk driver killing someone is an example of depraved indifference.

(And is vehicular manslaughter.)

And drug consumption leading to death is another example of third-degree murder.

Let’s say you sell or give someone drugs, they consume too much, and they overdose.

You selling or giving them controlled substances leads to their death.

You will get charged with third-degree murder.

3rd Degree Manslaughter Sentence

Only three states issue third-degree murder charges.

Here are the murder charges for third-degree murders in these three states.

These states will give you a minimum sentence to serve for the killing of a human being.

They will not:

  • give you the death penalty
  • convict you of capital murder

3rd Degree Manslaughter In Minnesota

The 3rd-degree manslaughter charges in Minnesota are:

  • 25 years imprisonment
  • $40,000 in fines

3rd Degree Manslaughter In Florida

The 3rd-degree manslaughter charges in Florida are:

  • 15 years imprisonment
  • $10,000 in fines

3rd Degree Manslaughter In Pennsylvania

The 3rd-degree manslaughter charges in Pennsylvania are:

  • 40 years to life imprisonment

Involuntary vs Voluntary Manslaughter

Let’s look at involuntary vs voluntary manslaughter. 

What Is Involuntary Manslaughter?

Involuntary manslaughter is when someone commits an unintentional act.

And that act causes injuries that lead to the death of another person.

What Is Voluntary Manslaughter?

Voluntary manslaughter is when someone commits an intentional act.

And that act causes injuries that lead to the death of another person.

Are You Facing A 3rd Degree Manslaughter Conviction?

If you are facing a conviction of 3rd-degree manslaughter, fill out the form on this page.

Our criminal defense attorneys have the experience you need to defend your rights.

This way, you don’t:

  • get wrongfully convicted of criminal homicide
  • spend decades in jail needlessly
  • never see your family or loved ones again
  • get wrongfully accused of a serious crime by police officers

You deserve a fair trial in the criminal justice system.

And, if you acted in self-defense, you need someone who can prove that.

We can provide you with that.

Talk soon.

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