What is a pour-over will in Georgia?
Do pour-over wills go through probate in Georgia?
This article will show you how to use pour-over wills to your advantage.
Let’s dig in.
Let’s talk about:
When a person dies with a trust, sometimes not all their assets are in the trust.
A pour-over will makes sure those assets go into the trust upon their death.
A pour-over will is a legal document that places the remaining assets into a designated trust.
A pour-over will in Georgia works together with a trust when settling an estate.
A trust allows you to avoid the probate process in Georgia.
The trust will distribute assets to the designated beneficiaries.
A pour-over will in Georgia places the decedent’s remaining assets into the trust.
It treats the trust as the sole beneficiary of the estate’s assets.
Let’s say you don’t have a pour-over will in Georgia.
Then, your remaining assets will have to go through the probate process.
And they would get distributed per the intestate laws in Georgia.
Related: How To File A Will In Georgia
Yes, pour-over wills go through probate in Georgia.
A pour-over will gets treated like a normal will.
Wills have to go through probate.
Any property that is not in the trust has to go through probate when you die.
The pour-over will designates that trust as the beneficiary of the estate.
This way, your remaining assets do not get distributed per intestate laws in Georgia.
They get placed in the trust after probate so the assets can get controlled by the trustee.
Yes, a pour-over will in Georgia has to get probated.
A pour-over will does not avoid the probate process.
But the assets inside the pour-over will go straight to the trust during probate.
And will not get distributed per intestate laws.
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