What Percentage Of Marriages End In Divorce?

What Percentage Of Marriages End In Divorce - Percentage Of Marriages That End In Divorce - Percentage Of Divorce In US

What percentage of marriages end in divorce?

In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • the percentage of marriages that end in divorce
  • divorce rates by years married
  • how long do marriages last
  • the number of divorces started by wives
  • how many families are divorced

Let’s dig in. 

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US Divorce Statistics

  • 44.6% of marriages end in divorce.
  • There are roughly 2.9 divorces per 1,000 people.
  • The average length of a marriage that ends in divorce is 8 years.
  • Women file for 66% of divorces.
  • The most common age for divorce is between 25-39 years old.
  • The median age for divorce is 39.
  • The rate of divorce decreases with higher levels of education and income.
  • States that have no-fault divorce laws have higher divorce rates than states that require proof of fault.
  • The average age for couples to divorce for the first time is 30 years old for men and 29 years old for women.
  • The divorce rate for first marriages within the first five years is around 20%.
  • The percentage of divorced adults in the US has more than doubled since 1960, from 9% to 22%.
  • 40% of couples who cohabitate before marriage get divorced.
  • The divorce rate for couples who marry before age 25 is around twice as high as for those who marry after age 25.
  • The divorce rate for same-sex couples is around 39%.

What Percentage Of Marriages End In Divorce?

The percentage of marriages that end in divorce is 44.6%.

Let’s calculate what percentage of marriages end in divorce.

The marriage rate for 1,000 people is 6.5 people per 1,000 total population.

And the divorce rate for 1,000 people is 2.9 people per 1,000 total population.

That means that for every 6.5 people that get married, 2.9 of those people are getting divorced.

This means that 44.6% of marriages end in divorce.

What Is The Average Length Of Marriage?

What Percentage Of Marriages Last?

The percentage of first marriages ending in divorce is higher than the second and third marriages.

This shows that people might learn from their previous relationships.

And have a better chance of making their next marriage last longer. 

What Percentage Of First Marriages End In Divorce?

30.1% of first marriages end in divorce.

The Census Bureau found that 68.8% of all people get married.

Of that 68.8%, 20.7% of first marriages end in divorce.

This means that 30.1% of first marriages end in divorce.

What Percentage Of Second Marriages End In Divorce?

The divorce rate of second marriages is 22.03%.

The Census Bureau found that 11.8% of married people have a second marriage.

Of that 11.8%, 77.96% of second marriages last.

This means that 22.03% of second marriages end in divorce.

The rate of divorce decreases with the number of marriages.

What Percentage Of Third Marriages End In Divorce?

The divorce rate of third marriages is 25.8%.

The Census Bureau found that 3.1% of married people have a third marriage.

Of that 3.1%, 74.19% of third marriages last.

This means that 25.8% of third marriages end in divorce.

If you look at the rankings of these, first marriages have the highest number of divorces.

How Long Do Marriages Last?

The main point from this data is that as marriages get longer, fewer couples stay together. 

This shows that it can be tough for couples to stay married for a long time. 

It’s important to learn about what makes marriages last, like:

  • good communication
  • having things in common
  • supporting each other
Divorce Rate By Years Married - Divorce Rate After 25 Years Of Marriage - Divorce After 20 Years Statistics - Percentage Of Divorce After 30 Years Of Marriage
Years Married Divorces Per 1,000

Percentage Of Marriages That Last 10 Years

1.7% of marriages last 10 years. 

17 marriages out of 1,000 last 10 years. 

Percentage Of Marriages That Last 20 Years

1.3% of marriages last 20 years. 

13 marriages out of 1,000 last 20 years.

What Percentage Of Marriages Last 25 Years?

1.15% of marriages last 25 years. 

11.5 marriages out of 1,000 last 25 years.

What Is The Percentage Of Marriages That Last 30 Years?

0.9% of marriages last 30 years

9 marriages out of 1,000 last 30 years.

What Percentage Of Marriages Make It To 35 Years?

0.65% of marriages last 35 years. 

6.5 marriages out of 1,000 last 35 years.

What Percent Of Marriages Last 40 Years?

0.4% of marriages last 40 years. 

4 marriages out of 1,000 last 40 years.

FAQs About What Percentage Of Marriages End In Divorce

Here are other questions we found researching what percentage of marriages end in divorce. 

What Percent Of Marriages End In Divorce Because Of Money?

55.6% of marriages end in divorce because of money. 

(This is according to NCBI’s major causes of divorce statistics.)

What Percentage Of Divorces Are Initiated By The Wife?

Wives initiate 66% of divorces in America. 

This data was is from a study conducted by the American Psychological Association.

They surveyed more than 3,000 couples in the United States.

Do 50 Percent Of Marriages End In Divorce?

No, 50% of marriages do not end in divorce. 

The divorce rate in America is 44.6%. 

The marriage rate is 6.1 per 1,000 total population.

The divorce rate is 2.6 per 1,000 population.

This means that the divorce rate in America is 42.6%.

What Percentage Of Marriages Last?

55.4% of marriages last in the United States. 

If the divorce rate is 44.6%, then 55.4% of marriages last. 

What Percent Of Families Are Divorced?

13.6% of American families are divorced.

This comes from the U.S. Census Bureau which surveyed over 127,000 households.

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