What To Do When Someone Dies In Georgia?

What To Do When Someone Dies In Georgia - Steps To Take When Someone Dies - What Steps To Take When Someone Dies - What To Do After Someone Dies

Wondering what to do when someone dies in Georgia? 

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • the immediate next steps to take 
  • a fully exhaustive list of things that you need to do

We have broken this info into two lists. 

And we made them short, simple, and actionable. 

Keep scrolling to learn more. 

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What To Do When Someone Dies In Georgia

When someone dies in Georgia, there are several things you need to do. 

These are going to be the immediate next steps to take when someone dies. 

  1. Get a Death Certificate: If the person dies at home, call 911 to get a doctor to say they have passed away.
  2. Talk to a Funeral Director: They help with planning the funeral and what to do with the body.
  3. Get Copies of the Death Certificate: Ask the funeral home for several copies. You’ll need them for different things.
  4. Find Important Papers: Look for the will, house papers, and insurance policies.
  5. Tell People and Companies: Let family, friends, Social Security, insurance companies, banks, and the deceased’s workplace know about the death.
  6. See a Lawyer: They can give advice on what to do next, especially about money and property.
  7. Start Probate: This is the legal process for dealing with the deceased’s property. Fill out the needed forms.
  8. Change Names on Property Papers: Let’s say the person owned property with someone else. You’ll need to update the paperwork.

Fill out the form on this page to get help from a probate attorney.

Steps To Take When Someone Dies

The list above was what to do immediately after someone dies.

But, it’s not an exhaustive list of ALL the things that have to be done.

Here is an exhaustive list of steps to take when someone dies.

This is everything you’ll need to do to handle their affairs when they pass.

  1. Get Funeral Instructions: Check for pre-existing burial instructions. (Usually stored with a will.)
  2. Funeral Arrangements: Discuss with family members to finalize arrangements.
  3. Death Certificates: Provide details to the funeral director and request 10-12 certified copies.
  4. Notify Social Security: Contact to report the death and discuss potential benefits.
  5. Contact Veterans Administration: If applicable, for death benefits and pension updates.
  6. Inform Retirement Benefit Providers: Notify organizations providing retirement income.
  7. Gather Important Documents: Locate life insurance policies, deeds, wills, tax returns, etc.
  8. Access Safe Deposit Box: Schedule a bank visit for access if you’re not a co-owner.
  9. Estate Inventory: Create a detailed inventory of the estate’s assets.
  10. Credit Report: Obtain to identify any unknown debts or accounts.
  11. Terminate Power of Attorney: Inform relevant parties you’re revoking the POA.
  12. Avoid New Contracts: Don’t sign contracts on behalf of the estate until officially appointed as a personal representative.
  13. Care for Pets: Arrange for the care of the decedent’s pets.
  14. Handle Debts: Notify creditors of the death and avoid paying debts prematurely.
  15. Manage Checks Payable to Decedent: Hold these checks until you can open an estate checking account.
  16. Assess Assets: Document and report all assets to your probate attorney.
  17. Secure Property: Ensure the property is secure and mail is managed.
  18. Life Insurance Claims: Find and claim life insurance policies.
  19. Tax Records: Keep copies of the decedent’s recent tax returns.
  20. List Heirs: Compile a list of all legal heirs with their details.
  21. Personal Representative Fees: Keep track of expenses and time spent managing affairs.
  22. Cancel Personal Subscriptions and Services: Such as phone plans, streaming services, etc.
  23. Digital Legacy: Manage digital presence including email, social media, and digital assets.
  24. Legal and Tax Advice: Seek professional advice regarding the estate’s legal and tax implications.
  25. Grief Support: Identify resources for grief counseling or support groups.

Get Probate Handled For You

If you want help from a probate law firm, fill out the form below. 

At The Hive Law, we understand the importance of:

  • protecting your hard-earned assets 
  • ensuring your family’s future
  • not losing everything to creditors and lawsuits
  • properly (and legally) distributing assets 

We only accommodate a limited number of clients each month.

So don’t miss your opportunity to work with our probate lawyers.

Benefits of our probate services:

  • Tailored solutions to fit your unique needs and goals
  • Expert guidance in navigating complex tax and legal matters
  • Preservation of your wealth for future generations
  • Streamlined asset distribution according to your wishes

Avoid the pitfalls of inadequate probate strategies:

  • Creditors seizing your assets
  • Lawsuits jeopardizing your family’s financial security
  • Family disputes over inheritance
  • Costly and time-consuming probate processes

Talk soon.

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