What is aggravated assault in Georgia?
In this article, you’ll learn about:
Let’s dig in.
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In this section, we’re answering:
Aggravated assault is attempting to cause harm with the intent to cause serious injuries.
“Serious injuries” are injuries severe enough to require:
Some examples of these serious injuries include:
Aggravated assaults typically involve deadly weapons like:
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How does assault compare to aggravated assault in Georgia?
Assault is an intentional act causing someone fear of imminent physical harm.
Aggravated assault is an intentional act causing fear of physical harm with a deadly weapon.
The most common assault charges in Georgia are:
The most common aggravated assault charges in Georgia are:
How often does aggravated assault happen in Georgia?
Let’s look at how many aggravated assaults have happened per year.
These charts and table sets show us the data for 2011 – 2020.
This one shows us how many aggravated assaults happen per year in Georgia.
This one shows us the rate of aggravated assaults per 1,000 people in Georgia.
In this section, you’ll learn about:
This is the Georgia law on aggravated assault.
It’s based on GA Code Title 16, Chapter 5, Article 1, Section 16-5-21.
It says that you commit aggravated assault in Georgia when you assault someone:
The charges for a first-offense aggravated assault in Georgia are:
For a second offense, you’ll get:
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The jail time for aggravated assault is up to 20 years in prison.
If there’s a deadly weapon involved, you could:
Some examples of deadly weapons that increase your prison time are:
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These are the minimum jail sentences you’ll get for the following situations.
Committing aggravated assault in a school safety zone increases the charges you’ll receive.
For an aggravated assault in a school zone, you’ll get:
Let’s say that you committed aggravated assault:
In this case, you’d get:
Aggravated assault cases are serious charges brought on someone who:
Some examples of aggravated assault cases are someone:
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Legal elements are legal justifications of a crime that prove a legal claim.
They are the facts, evidence, and legal theories for a case.
In this case, it’s what makes someone’s actions get categorized as aggravated assault?
There are only two elements for aggravated assault charges in the state of Georgia:
These are the defense strategies that your criminal defense lawyer will use in your case.
Here are common defense strategies your criminal defense attorney will use:
Your criminal defense lawyer will tailor your defense to your case.
They will try to challenge the prosecutor’s criminal charges they are bringing against you.
They will also bring in witnesses to testify against the offense of aggravated assault.
Witnesses can include people who may have witnessed the situation, like:
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An aggravated assault attorney will:
Their goal with your criminal case is to:
These are the most common questions we get about an aggravated assault in Georgia.
Yes, aggravated assault is a felony.
Yes, pushing someone could be assault.
It could be an act of battery, which is a form of criminal assault.
Assault is the threat of violence or an attempted physical act.
Battery is the actual physical act of violence.
These are both felony convictions.
Simple battery and assault are misdemeanors.
But, aggravated battery and assault are felony convictions under Georgia criminal law.
Yes, slapping someone is considered assault.
Slapping someone is a simple battery.
But gets considered assault if there was intent to cause bodily harm or fear.
The accused person will get arrested and taken into police custody.
They could face criminal charges after the court system’s investigation.
If convicted, they will face jail time, fines, community service, and/or probation.
In Georgia, you have two years to press charges for assault.
In Georgia, you can go to jail for up to 20 years for assault.
An assault can be a misdemeanor, depending on the severity of the situation.
Verbal assault is not a crime.
But it can get considered a form of harassment of threatening someone.
These can land you with criminal charges.
If you are facing a conviction of aggravated assault in Georgia, fill out the form on this page.
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