Is egging a house illegal?
In this article, you’ll learn about:
Let’s dig in.
Yes, egging a house is illegal and is an act of vandalism.
Vandalism is the willful destruction or damaging of property.
In a manner that defaces, mars, or adds physical blemishes.
And that potentially diminishes the property’s value.
Even if you’re egging a house as a prank, it’s still vandalism.
For egging a house to get considered vandalism, the prosecutor must prove:
Egging someone’s house is illegal vandalism, similar to:
Anyone can press charges against you if you throw eggs at their property.
Egging someone’s house is illegal because it damages property.
And because it’s vandalism, these are criminal damages.
Some ways that eggs can damage property are:
Other property damages include mailboxes and cars.
These are separate vandalism charges.
You can get charged for vandalism for each piece of property.
Egging someone’s house is illegal if:
When you intentionally egg someone’s house, it’s criminal mischief.
Criminal mischief is when you purposely damage personal property.
Criminal mischief is a misdemeanor charge.
No matter what happens, egging someone’s house is intentional.
You cannot accidentally commit vandalism.
Will you get felony charges for egging someone’s house?
Vandalism is not a serious property crime.
And it usually does not land you with felony charges.
It’s only a serious crime if the property damages are worth a lot of money.
Let’s say that there are property damages exceeding $1,000.
In this case, this property crime is a felony in the third degree.
You’ll need a criminal defense attorney if you get felony charges.
(And note that $1,000 is for most states.
You need to reach out to a criminal defense attorney for legal advice.
Fill out the form on this page for a free consultation with our law firm.)
But normal vandalism, like egging a house, is a misdemeanor.
Egging a house gets considered as misdemeanor vandalism.
Misdemeanor vandalism is a property crime that gets you:
But wait, there’s more.
Let’s say that the owner decides to press charges.
They can charge you with trespassing onto their property.
Trespassing charges get you:
When this happens, you get misdemeanor charges for:
You will get “tried” for both of these crimes separately.
Meaning, you get:
These are questions we get related to whether egging a house is illegal.
If someone eggs your car, the police can:
You’ll need to provide proof of who the suspect is.
The police cannot do anything about someone egging your car if you don’t have proof like:
You’ll still need to call the police even if you don’t have this information.
You’ll need a police report for an insurance claim for the damages.
It is illegal to egg a car.
Egging a car is causing property damage, which is vandalism.
Egging a car can get you up to:
Egging a car is a misdemeanor criminal charge.
If you egg a car, you’ll get up to:
If someone eggs your house, call law enforcement immediately.
Someone egging your house is considered vandalism.
Also, rinse off as much of the egg and egg shells as possible.
Dried eggs can damage the exterior of your home.
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