Is It Worth Pressing Charges For Assault? (Hidden Costs You Need To Know)

Is It Worth Pressing Charges For Assault - What Happens When You Press Charges For Assault - How Much Does It Cost To Press Charges

Is it worth pressing charges for assault? 

In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • what happens when you press assault charges
  • what you can press charges for
  • how much does it cost to press charges
  • how long does it take to press charges
  • how to press charges

Let’s dig in. 

Table of Contents

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What Is Pressing Charges?

Pressing assault charges is the process of filing a complaint to begin criminal prosecution. 

You file the complaint with an agency like:

Charges can get pressed by:

  • a victim of a crime
  • a witness
  • a relative of the victim
  • a third party who has some knowledge of the crime

Once a criminal report gets filed, the police will investigate the allegations. 

And they will decide whether to make an arrest or issue a citation. 

Depending on the severity of the crime, the prosecutor may choose to:

  • open a criminal case and press charges
  • start a criminal trial against the accused

There needs to be:

  • sufficient evidence to support an arrest warrant
  • the ability for the police to gather evidence beyond a reasonable doubt
  • notes of additional crimes listed in the report filed
  • notes of any self-defense claim when filing assault charges

Read More: What Happens When You Press Charges?

What Happens If Someone Pressed Charges When I Didn’t Want To?

Let’s say someone presses an aggravated assault charge on your behalf without your consent. 

The police may:

  • investigate the allegations of the assault charge 
  • decide whether to make an arrest or issue a citation

The charges may get dropped if:

  • the victim does not wish to pursue the case
  • there is not enough evidence to support the charges

What Is Assault?

Assault is when someone uses physical force or threats of harm to hurt another person. 

This can include:

  • hitting
  • slapping
  • pushing
  • kicking
  • any other type of physical contact

It also includes making verbal threats to hurt or scare someone. 

Assault is a serious crime and can lead to legal consequences.

Aggravated assault examples include:

  • striking someone with a deadly weapon
  • using a weapon to threaten someone
  • assaulting someone with the intent to commit a crime
  • assaulting someone resulting in serious bodily injury
  • assaulting a police officers

Aggravated assault:

  • will lead to felony charges
  • is a serious offense
  • is a violent crime

Examples of simple assault include:

  • hitting, slapping, or punching
  • shoving or pushing
  • kicking
  • threatening to harm someone
  • making verbal threats of violence
  • pulling someone’s hair
  • throwing objects at someone

Is It Worth Pressing Charges For Assault?

Let’s say that you have been the victim of an assault. 

You have to decide whether it is worth pressing charges. 

There are pros and cons to pressing charges for assault. 

Some pros are that:

  • it ensures that the person who assaulted you gets held accountable
  • it can lead to a sense of closure and justice
  • it can protect others from the same person in the future

Some cons are that:

  • it can be a long and difficult legal process
  • it can be emotionally draining
  • it can be expensive in terms of time and money

Ultimately, it is a personal decision that should get made carefully.  

You can choose to make the decisions with the help of:

  • family
  • friends
  • criminal defense attorneys
  • police officers

Here’s what to consider when asking if it is worth pressing charges for assault:

  • the severity of the assault (i.e. a punch to the face vs. sexual assault)
  • the legal consequences for the perpetrator (i.e. jail time, probation, etc.)
  • the emotional and financial cost for the victim 
  • the likelihood of a successful prosecution (i.e. the availability of evidence)
  • the personal circumstances of the victim (i.e. the ability to cope with the legal process)
  • the advice of family and friends
  • the opinion of law enforcement and other qualified professionals (i.e. lawyers, mental health professionals, etc.)

Fill out the form on this page to email an experienced attorney about your case. 

We can easily tell you whether or not it’s worth pressing charges for criminal assault. 

You may also need a personal injury lawyer if you sustained injuries. 

We can chat about this as well. 

What Can You Press Charges For

Let’s talk about what you can press assault charges for. 

You can press assault charges for:

  • physical assault (i.e., hitting someone)
  • sexual assault (i.e., unwanted sexual contact and sexual violence)
  • threatened assault (i.e., making a threat to harm someone)
  • attempted assault (i.e., trying to attack someone without making contact)
  • intimidation
  • simple assault (i.e., causing minimal physical injury, throwing a drink at someone, etc.)
  • aggravated assault (i.e., causing serious bodily injury to someone)
  • battery charges (i.e., punching, slapping, or hitting someone)
  • stalking (i.e., following or monitoring someone)
  • harassment (i.e., repeatedly making unwanted contact)
  • false imprisonment (i.e., unlawfully confining someone against their will)
  • cyberstalking (i.e., using digital technology to harass someone)
  • assault with a deadly weapon (i.e., attacking someone with a weapon)
  • reckless endangerment (i.e., creating a risk of serious physical harm)
  • kidnapping (i.e., abducting someone against their will)
  • rioting (i.e., participating in a violent disturbance in a public space)
  • domestic violence (i.e., committing acts of violence within a family or household)
  • assault of a child (i.e., physically harming a child)
  • hate crime (i.e., committing a crime motivated by prejudice)
  • elder abuse (i.e., abusing a person aged 65 or older)

How Much Does It Cost To Press Charges?

It does cost money to press charges. 

On average, you’ll spend several thousand dollars to press charges. 

Depending on the severity of the crime, victims may have to pay:

  • court fees
  • attorney fees
  • medical bills
  • to seek medical attention
  • investigation fees
  • additional evidence
  • fees for potential witnesses
  • expert witness fees
  • lost wages
  • travel costs

Victims may have to take time off of work to attend:

  • court proceedings
  • pre-trial hearings
  • depositions
  • conferences with the prosecutor
  • private meetings with the attorney

This could result in lost wages. 

The victim may have to bear the costs of the initial investigation. 

(Even if the courts decide not to pursue the case.)

What Happens When You Press Charges On Someone For Assault?

When you press charges for assault, you are filing a criminal complaint. 

You file this complaint against the perpetrator with the police or prosecutors. 

(This is not the same as filing a civil lawsuit.) 

When you press charges, the police will open an investigation. 

They do this to see if there is enough evidence to bring criminal charges against the assailant. 

After the police investigation, the findings get submitted to the district attorney’s office. 

The district attorney’s office decides whether to press criminal charges or not. 

This will result in a court trial.

They will either:

  • fully pursue the charges
  • offer the assailant a plea bargain

A plea bargain allows them to plead guilty to a lesser charge. 

And they can receive a lighter sentence for the assault. 

What Happens When You Report An Assault To The Police?

When you report an assault to the police, they will:

  • take your statement
  • record all the details of the incident

They will then investigate the incident and collect any evidence that is available. 

The police may also arrest the suspect and charge them with a crime. 

It is important to keep in mind that:

  • you have the right to remain silent
  • it is important to contact a criminal lawyer if you have any legal questions

The kind of evidence that the police will collect is:

  • witnesses’ statements
  • photographs of the scene or any injuries
  • medical records
  • security camera footage
  • physical evidence such as clothing, weapons, or other objects
  • text messages or other digital evidence

How Long Do You Have To Press Charges For Assault?

How long you have to press charges for assault depends on your state’s statute of limitations. 

Generally, the statute of limitations for assault is two to five years.

But this time frame can vary depending on:

  • the severity of the assault
  • the age of the victim
  • the type of assault (e.g. sexual, physical, verbal)
  • if the victim was a minor at the time of the assault
  • if the assailant has left the state

Fill out the form on this page to find out how long you have to press charges for assault.

How Long Does It Take To Press Charges On Someone?

The amount of time it takes to press charges on someone will depend on a variety of factors. 

Let’s say that the crime is a serious one. 

The prosecuting attorney may need more time to:

  • review the evidence
  • build a strong case

Also, let’s say that the accused is not in custody already. 

The police will need to spend time tracking them down to arrest them. 

Police investigation and local laws may impact the timeline. 

Pressing charges on someone could take days, weeks, or months.

How To Press Charges For Assault

The process to file criminal charges for assault can be a long and daunting one. 

The first step is to contact the police and report the assault. 

The police will ask for details about the incident and take a statement from you. 

It is important to be as detailed and honest as possible when giving your statement. 

The police will ask you to sign an affidavit of complaint.

This is a formal document that states that you wish to press charges. 

The police will then investigate the case.

And they will decide whether to arrest the perpetrator. 

If the person gets arrested, the case will get referred to the district attorney’s office. 

The DA will then decide whether to proceed with the case or not. 

Let’s say the district attorney has decided to move forward with the case. 

There will be a criminal court hearing and a trial. 

You will get asked to appear and testify about how the assault occurred. 

You’ll need a local attorney to give you legal assistance when you are filing charges.

How To File Assault Charges

The steps on how to file assault charges are:

  1. Contact the police station and report the assault.
  2. Provide a detailed statement to the police about the incident.
  3. Sign an affidavit of complaint, formally stating that you wish to press charges. 
  4. The police investigate the case.
  5. The police decide whether or not to arrest the perpetrator.
  6. The case is referred to the district attorney’s office.
  7. The district attorney decides whether to proceed with the case.
  8. Attend a hearing and a trial where you will be asked to testify.

FAQs About Is It Worth Pressing Charges For Assault

Here are other questions we get related to whether it’s worth it to press charges for assault. 

What Happens When Someone Presses Charges Against You For Fighting?

Let’s say someone presses charges against you for fighting. 

It means they are asking the police and the court system to take action against you. 

This could result in:

  • an arrest
  • a criminal charge
  • a court hearing

Depending on the severity of the fight, you may face jail time or other punishments. 

It is important to talk to an attorney if you are facing criminal charges.

What Happens If Someone Presses Charges On You?

Let’s say that someone presses charges on you.

It means that they are accusing you of committing a crime. 

This accusation will then get dealt with by the legal system. 

You may get arrested and taken to court with a lawyer who will represent you. 

Depending on the severity of the crime, you may have to:

  • pay a fine
  • do community service
  • serve time in jail

Is Pushing Someone Assault?

Pushing someone is a form of assault. 

It is a type of physical contact that can hurt someone or make them feel threatened. 

Pushing someone is an assault that is a criminal offense. 

If you get found guilty, you could face serious consequences. 

Depending on the situation, pushing someone could be either a misdemeanor or a felony

Any type of physical contact can get as considered assault.

Even if it is a physical force that is not meant to be violent.

Can You Go To Jail For Beating Someone Up?

Yes, you can go to jail for beating someone up. If you hurt someone physically:

  • it is a crime
  • you can get charged with assault

You may have to pay a fine or even spend time in prison.

Can You File A Police Report Without Pressing Charges?

Filing a police report does not mean that you have to file charges. 

A police report is a written record of an incident. 

The assault report helps police understand what happened. 

This report can get used to document the incident for the local police department. 

And it can provide law enforcement with a timeline of events. 

Filing a police report can be a helpful way to provide authorities with the facts of the incident. 

You might file a police report without pressing charges if:

  • the incident was a misunderstanding
  • the responsible party has apologized or made amends

Filing a police report can help document the incident without further legal action. 

It can also be a useful tool for law enforcement in:

  • tracking the responsible party
  • preventing future incidents

Lawyer For Aggravated Assault In Georgia

If you are wondering if it is worth pressing charges for assault, fill out the form on this page.

Our criminal defense attorneys have the experience you need to defend your rights.

This way, you don’t:

  • get wrongfully convicted
  • waste thousands of dollars needlessly
  • lose money before you even have a case
  • get dragged along by attorneys just milking money

You deserve a fair trial in the criminal justice system.

Our law firm can provide you with that.

Fill out the form for your free consultation. 

Talk soon.

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